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Image by Amanda Jones


Of course it's great when people like what we do.  But we think it's also important to do the right thing and be positive - the foundation for relationship.  Here's what some clients and prospective clients say about us.

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APN Outdoor Pty Ltd

“Well done. That's just the type of analysis I was after.”

Subject: market segmentation analysis and market entry for China

Shane Woods,

Development Director


CitySpace Limited

“Very thorough, extremely professional and particularly insightful”

Subject: assessment of a potential Chinese partner & strategic fit

Marc Mehoyas,



GlobeCast Australia Pty Ltd

"We would not hesitate in using his services again in the future”

Subject: feasibility & entry strategy for China

Peter Cosgrove,



Media On The Go Pte Ltd

“Very valuable knowledge in the Chinese market which puzzles many foreigners”

Subject: strategy for a product roll-out with a local partner in China

Ron Graham,

Managing Director, APAC


Infinite Frameworks Pte Ltd

"Assessment is spot on”

Subject: strategy for distributing Chinese TV entertainment outside of China

Freddie Yeo,



Innity Corporation Bhd

"Very good understanding"

Subject: assessing the home market product strategy in preparation for entering the Chinese market

Phang Chee Leong,

Executive Chairman


InReality Limited

“It was great discussing and sharing your thoughts and views” 

Subject: strategy for target market segments and raising external growth capital

Shylesh Karuvath,



PT Gogobli Asia

“Thanks for the input…really appreciate it”

Subject: Backing an equity story with financial & market data

Joyce Lim,



Trade Cloud Pte Ltd

“Good inputs on pitching to strategic investors”

Subject: Quantifying growth drivers to underline strategy

Mark Cheong,



LB, one of our partners, wrote "Managing a Chinese Partner" on the 20th anniversary of his China experience (Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan).  Book review by Professor Wee Chow Hou:


 "Since China's opening in 1978, many companies around the world have tried to penetrate the lucrative Chinese market, but many struggled while a good number also failed largely due to insufficient understanding of this market. Indeed, operating in the Chinese market is more complex than what have been told or taught. One of the many factors for the lack of success has to do with how a company finds and manages the Chinese partner. As such, it is enlightening to find a book that provides insights on how prominent companies like Danone, Nestlé, Coca-Cola and SABMiller have managed their Chinese partners."


Professor Wee Chow Hou, Head of Marketing and International Business, Nanyang Business School, Singapore; and author of 'Sun Zi Bingfa: Selected Insights and Applications to Business' and 'Sun Zi Art of War: An Illustrated Translation with Asian Perspectives and Insights'

Prof Wee

LB, one of our partners, wrote "Managing a Chinese Partner" on the 20th anniversary of his China experience (Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan).  Book review by Peter Cosgrove:


"Doing business in China is exciting. Whether you take on a local partner or go it alone will depend on circumstance and this book will help answer many of your questions. Both ways can work. Use your instincts, watch the body language, learn their customs and give respect. Remember the fundamental of business are the same everywhere. Stability in your relationship management team is vital and more important than contracts, because you can fix a bad contract if you have a good relationship. I don't believe in multiple Chinese partners, pick one and run hard. Lub Bun has witnessed both success and failure in China. Enjoy the read."


Peter Cosgrove, Chairman of APN News & Media Limited, Buspak Hong Kong, GlobeCast Australia Pty Limited and Deputy Chairman of Clear Media Limited; and Australian Entrepreneur of the Year 1988 

More about the book "Managing a Chinese Partner".


This subject matter has never been more crucial for a foreign company since the opening of China in 1978 due to the ongoing US-China hostility, which is not going away anytime soon. 


Connect with us for a workshop on managing a Chinese partner.  Learn from the experiences of global companies like Coca-Cola and Nestle, and how a foreign company can structure a framework for managing a Chinese Partner as a integral component of its overall China strategy. 

Passion Led Us Here
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