Transaction Services
This is where we get to work with our clients on really exciting stuff. Quite often, this is a corporate milestone e.g. entering China, raising funds or negotiating a JV. Tough and hard work, but very satisfying.
Punching Above Our Weight
On the advisory side, we work on market entry, M&A, fund raising, corporate finance, and corporate strategy.
For transaction support, we provide functional expertise for you to bridge expertise gaps in due diligence, financial projection & valuation, amongst others.
​We work on on-shore and cross-border transactions: both in, as well as flowing between, Hong Kong, China & Southeast Asia.
We don't pretend to be a "Tier 1" firm. In fact, we are not in the same league, having only advised 72 companies to date.
However, we aspire to be a boutique firm that "punches above our weight" by delivering exceptional value.
Layering Industry Experience
Old World & New World
We create value by layering industry experience onto our transaction services. This is vital.
Over the years, we have developed a repository of insights and knowledge across a wide range of industries spanning both the old world and the new world.
We are particularly strong in the digital, advertising and media sectors, which collectively account for more than half of our transactions.
The rest of our transactions are a mix of traditional economy such as manufacturing and consumer electronics; and new economy such as Fintech and blockchain.
For transactions where we need to step up to deliver value, we will not hesitate to invest time and resources to acquire or strengthen our industry insights and knowledge - this is how we have developed our repository from our very first transaction.
Crafting the Equity Story
Artisans & Scientists
We do not believe in a boiler plate approach.
Each client has a different value proposition, which must be brought to bear, and clearly articulated.
As such, we invest significant time; and work with our clients to deliver a unique, credible and executable equity story.
This is as much a science as it is an art.
We see ourselves as both artisans and scientists, working with our clients to deliver a work of beauty that is underpinned by credible info and data.
Laying the Groundwork
Avoid the "chicken & egg" curse...
Success stories are widely reported in the media but not the setbacks that are often paved on the road to a successfully concluded transaction such as fund raising, acquisition or entry into China.
To minimize setbacks, it’s important to lay the groundwork prior to undertaking a transaction; and this can be either an on-going process or a one-off preparation (typically 3-6 months).
Setbacks are a reality, and our transaction support services are a cost-effective solution for you to lay the groundwork in the absence of an in-house team.
Most importantly, we provide our clients with a reality check on the setbacks; and if it means that we need to go back to the drawing board, we will not hesitate to advise accordingly.
Prepare well and avoid the “chicken and egg” curse at crucial stages of corporate development.

Balancing Ying & Yang
Success comes from managing risk in China.
China re-opened its doors only a few decades ago, but its market has evolved over 5,000 years and across 17 dynasties.
So, it's a gross understatement to say that China is a complicated market: we know on a first-hand basis since we have been working the grounds since the 1990s.
Success requires numerous KSFs, and core among them is risk management; and ​the overarching principle for managing risk in China is balance.
It's the ancient time-tested Ying Yang philosophy of balance in duality.
This is our humble opinion.
Think about it: it's no coincidence the "dual circulation" strategy is the centerpiece of China's 14th Five-Year Plan.